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sedikit kata dari salah satu manusia yang ada di dunia yang terus menjalani perputaran dunia sampai saat ini bersama dengan anda

Saturday, May 30, 2009

12.21 AM

it's a new day..

will it be a day that just fades away....
or will it be a day full of memories...

do you realize the fast and not forgiving time never gives u the wait that u want and need...

7 days a week...24 hours a day...60 minutes an hour...60 seconds a minute...

what time...that makes u want 2 remember..
what time...that u want to share with others..
what time...that makes u want to stop time..

what time is it...12.26 AM..gotta sleep

Friday, May 29, 2009

8 MONTHS of suffering...and at last...

setelah 8 bulan berkecimpung d dunia skripsi...


tinggal ngatur2 ama ngurus2..trus kluar dah dari UNTAR hahahahahahaha..

senangny hatiku turun panas demamku...
ga jelas dah

Thursday, May 28, 2009


for starters i would like some egg n bacon........

salah ya ahahahaha
━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(  )━(。 )━(A 。)━(。A。)━━━

well let's just skip the formalities aj dah ya
well it's my blog so u should know who i am rite :D

yah tanpa ba bi bu
welcome to leonard's blog..it's the spot....no IT'S THE SPOT...

――♪ o(゚∀゚o) (o゚∀゚o) (o゚∀゚)o ――♪

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